Level crossing removal preparation works are well under way on the Frankston line and a new winter working blitz is beginning. The first two stations to be upgraded under the scheme are Frankston and Seaford stations, with level crossing removal at Overton/Skye Road.
Construction of the new rail bridges over the Skye/Overton Road level crossing are set to be completed by 17th June 2018 and with more than $63 million committed from the Victorian government for the Frankston Precinct upgrade, including eleven level crossings removed and three station upgrades, the project is set to be completed by the end of 2018. This will provide the hub of Frankston with a safe, modern and thriving place of business and activity.
Further down the Frankston line, in excess of $11 million has been dedicated to the revitalisation and level crossing removal at Seaford Road and Seaford Station. More than a kilometre of temporary track has been laid which will allow trains to continue to run while major works are taking place removing the level crossing at Seaford Road. The team at Seaford station is continuing with piling work, which will improve ground conditions and create the foundation for new structures. In preparation for the bridge beams, concrete supports will also be built in the coming weeks and work on the embankments will start.
With crossings at North Road – Ormond, McKinnon Road – McKinnon, and Centre Road – Bentleigh already removed there is still a further 11 level crossings to go on the Frankston line. All station and level crossing upgrades are to be finished by 2020.